You are not sleeping because your mind is too active. This activity in your brain is electrical and can be detected as waves. If you are lying in bed awake - thinking or worrying - your brain is generating faster beta waves.
In order to sleep you need to slow your brain activity down to the alpha wave state. In the alpha wave state, your mind and body are relaxed - the bridge between awake and asleep.
For centuries meditation has been used, by those skilled in the art, to achieve a state in which no thoughts come in to mind.
The technique used to achieve this, is to focus the attention, looking upwards to a point between the eyebrows - commonly know as the third eye or “spiritual eye”. Scientists now understand that this act of looking up influences brain wave patterns.
Research has proven that by raising the eyes - with meditative training, practice and concentration - the “relaxed” alpha wave state can be reached.
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